Intrauterine contraception self-assessment

Intrauterine contraception self-assessment

MM slash DD slash YYYY
I have watched the CNWL online video on intrauterine contraception ?
I understand that no method is 100% effective and that there is a small risk of failure (less than 1 in 100 chance of pregnancy; 1 in 2000 chance of having an ectopic pregnancy)
I understand that there is a small risk of pelvic infection (less than 1 in 100) in the first few weeks of insertion of the device
I understand that there is a 1 in 20 chance of the device being expelled / falling out and that this may go un-noticed
I understand that – there is a risk of perforation of the womb at the time of insertion of the device and if this happens I may require an operation in hospital to remove the device, the risk of perforation for most women is approximately 1 in 1000, this risk is higher if within 9months of having a baby or during breastfeeding , if breastfeeding the risk of perforation increases to approximately 6 in 1000
If having a Copper IUD: I understand that the copped IUD may make my periods heavier, longer and/or more painful
If having a Hormone IUS: I understand that the IUS may cause: irregular bleeding or spotting for a few months after which lighter or no periods is common, some hormonal side-effects, particularly in the first few months of use
I understand that it is not safe to insert an IUD/IUS if there is a risk of pregnancy
Do you use a mooncup?
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